Sunday, April 27, 2014

As my mother would say, "Home again, home again, jiggety-jog!"

See Liz Cochrane's new watercolor, looking like a window in the wall!  and below.  This mirror now acts as a bit of a hub for what's up at Villa Maddalena - hanging from the center, the Montisi Italian Film Festival membership badge and below that, and a bit to the right, a new photo of Corin sitting on his daddy.   All is well at the house, with cool spring weather coaxing flowers to last longer.  AND just now, I heard a FROG singing in the garden.  Fingers crossed, he or she will stick around.  Some of you know of my Herculean efforts over the years to import them to the garden. 

Another look at Liz' lovely painting....
And this, below, was what was waiting for me on the kitchen counter when I arrived last night!  Thank you Jean and Ben!  And from your note, I know you 'settled in'!  The basil will be much-appreciated as I begin putting in this year's summer garden.  I carried over 4 French tarragon plants to test another place in the garden for this herb.  Parsley and basil go around the tomatoes, but tarragon, "dragoncello" in Italian, will prefer a location where it won't be disturbed, I think. Where I have it now, I suspect it gets too much run-off rain water from the terrace.  We'll see.

So, now for a little stroll, together, around the garden.....
Wisteria in full bloom!!  The new climbing roses have HUGE flowers.  We'll see if this new cultivar really will bloom more continuously....

Lettuce needs eating, a few fresh purple artichokes and beyond the bietola - perfect for a lovely veg soup....AND....

PERFECT FAVA BEANS!!  Oh, my kingdom for  some pecorino....I've had a couple and will wait til tomorrow for a bit of cheese and salt with each bean.  When they are this fresh they are actually creamy in texture - eaten minutes from the vine.  Tonight I might make a little risotto with fava, asparagus and some fresh thyme.

A view back to the kitchen door - jasmine about to burst into flower and some of Mother's calla lilies, thyme in bloom and the miniature marguerites....

The new linen sling chairs are just waiting for you!!!

White wisteria - something I haven't gotten to see before!  Next year, with proper pruning this upper terrace, off the Fresco Room, it should be beautiful.  A little glimpse of the countryside...

And here's this year's badge.  Many pocket schedules (Thank you, Tom!) to fold....and a few more things to arrange.  We need a few more members....
More on that later.
All for now, jiggety-jog!!